
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Ready, Set, Go


Turn the computer on….Check!

Sign in to Match.com.

Now, here goes… why are my fingers still frozen on the keyboard, and my eyes staring blankly at the site's blue and white home page???

Break down that Brand name and it depicts where my life is at this moment… My quest to find a person that would be a good match for me, using the .com world to expand beyond my the community that I know.

Step one on the Match.com site: create your tag name. I'm already stumped. I have the time to try and be witty, but I'm already breaking into a sweat. Breathe, move on and save for later.

Step two: upload a picture. Complete panic! How the heck do I do that and from what file? Documents, desktop other? … I'm already completely lost. Call a friend? Can't, its 2am.   But isn't this what every single fundamentally female does in the middle of the night?

Step three: Fill in my height, eye colour... finally getting the hang of it.

They want my political views. Really? Isn't that considered bad dinner conversation on a first date?

My horoscope sign, I don't really care, but sure, why not.

Proximity to where you live... I prefer out of town - love dating under a microscope... NOT!

Now they want my profile... describe yourself in 100 words or less... time for a drink! This brings me back to the beginning!

Step one: tag name - Vodkacoctail

I couldn't refresh the incorrect spelling of my application - so instead of having the correct spelling, my sign-in is vodkacoctail... Chalk up that lost K to my lack of Komputer savvy!

Note to self… I'm embarking in a whole new cyber dating universe - I've got to get back to the Apple store tomorrow for a skills re-tweak ….and call Tony Mancuso for lessons.  

Have you started your search for love online? What are you waiting for?

Share your stories on this website. Click on the LOVE stories tab!



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