
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Garden of life

There are times in life when we have to pause and smell the roses. Then there are instances where we also need to stop and tend the garden.
Time is moving on in my quest to find romantic love, but for the love of family- I need to get down on my knees, with a spade in hand and start turning the soil.
In my secret garden, I have a passion...its connecting and helping others.
Putting new endeavors together, making things happen for businesses, foundations, friends and hopeful romantics is what drives me. I like to take a seed, add some earth, water and then some love- so I can watch the flowers bloom.
With the change of season, so must my journey change. For the next few weeks, my quest to finding love has to be about loving those already in my life with added devotion. Picking up some fallen leaves and planting bulbs for next spring, is my only task at hand- and as a true fashionista, I have the perfect gloves for the job.


I will share my days with you, but my concentration and focus will be about love for this new program. A new program born from the love, respect and the admiration I, and many others, have for my brother and other individuals in his community.
A seed was planted 3 weeks ago...blooming into "Billy Bob's Pop-Up Bakery "
I new I would find LOVE! I can't wait to introduce you all...

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