
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Dale’s Love Quest Survey Answers

I invite all of you to join me in sharing our stories with each other. Please fill out this survey and maybe you will be next week’s featured love story! Share your thoughts here: Love Quest Survey.

Dale is from Montreal, age 50 to 59:

Q: Do you believe in love at first sight?

Q: Would you/have you ever used an online dating site?

Q: Would you/have you  ever used a matchmaking service?
A: YES If it was priced reasonably

Q: Do you kiss and tell?
A: YES/NO only if he is a jerk.....!!!

Q: Do you believe in soulmates, i.e. that there is only one person out there for you?
A: YES but not just one we have many for different reasons...

Q: What’s the worst opening line that’s ever been thrown your way?
A: I just love black women....

Q: If you had to plan your perfect date, what would you do?
A: Make him...surprise....me....that’s my plan...!

Q: What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you on a date? 
A: I went to get a wax on my upper lip ...only to have a reaction to it...not so cute...but he did mention it.

Q: Under what circumstances would you say it is permissible to date a friend’s ex-spouse (if any)?
A: When the other person is dead...or has Alzheimer’s

Q: What’s the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for someone else?
When I was married I gave my husband a scavenger hunt that ended with meeting me at a very nice restaurant.

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