
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Zoom zoom zoom


Ladies and gents it is official- my journey that started as a simple quest for love has turned out to be a whirlwind road trip, which has no predetermined finish line- except personal growth. I have no clue the final destination or my ETA, but I have decided to enjoy the scenery along the way.

I have met so many interesting men and women along this path, during my many adventures across North America and Europe- learning something new about myself almost every day.

I have enjoyed the connection and sharing of my story with you and hearing yours in return. I love spreading our collective voice and inspiring each other to continue being hopeful romantics and believe that if we seek companionship, eventually we will find it.

I am using my past experiences to be a better me and thus I am sure, it will reflect on any future relationship I WILL have.

“It is strange how we hold on to the pieces of the past while we wait for our futures.”- Ally Condie

I am not waiting for my future - I am zooming and moving right along into it! 

In the near future, you will be able to read  "365 days to find love" on Zoomer Singles and if you haven't already signed up to the site…

Get up, get out and get connected.


I wouldn't mind the finish line being here!




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