
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Who wants to date a gossip?

 Strutting for a cause

I never enter a gossip fest with people as find it hurtful with no purpose. It is always at someone else's expense and why would anyone do that in life unless they need to put others down to feel better.

I find it interesting that after 3 months of blogging there is still speculation about whether I am a gossip or an exhibitionist.

I’m neither. I’m just a woman who wants to share some knowledge about the issues that I myself and many face are dealing with when trying to connect with others. One only has to read the blogs and watch the videos to understand my motivation.

This is my own story - but I ‘ve found that it's something each and every unattached person I meet can relate to, no matter what their age.

The intention of 365 daystofindlove is to discover and share all the different avenues available to us to expand our social circles and eventually find what we’re looking for. I’m sharing my journey with the hope we are on this adventure together. I’ve been asked what will happen to the blog if I meet the right man. Will I blog about him? The answer is simple...like in all couples; it will have to be a decision made together.

Good relationships are built on a foundation of respect, communication and compromise.

If I ever do meet someone – you will know.

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