
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Oceans apart

I have come to realize that sometimes it’s not only miles that put distance between two people, but rather the ability to adjust to the challenges that a long distance romance presents.
Communication is the life preserver that keeps you afloat.
If there is a time difference (anything over 3 hours) you will find conflicts that arise from daily patterns, such as work and sleep. Never mind the failure of technology when calls are lost or Skype just wont connect. At times, hurling your cell overboard is tempting.
Emails and texts (the Morse Code of today) are extremely impersonal, and if both people dislike the keyboard, you've got serious " mayday mayday" warning signals.
Imagine how frustrating phone sex can be if your cellphone dies- talk about man overboard!
You both have to be willing to commit to a certain amount of dedication to try and maintain contact, or not feel badly if the other person cannot give you as much as you need. We need to accept each other for who we are- not expect a speed boat to have sails.
Expectations are the ruination of any relationship and can cause someone to want to walk the plank.
You have to make the decision to learn to ride the waves until you reach calmer waters or jump ship and swim to shore.
I’m a great swimmer but I think I will stay on board for at least another port- continue working on getting my sea legs.
Would you be able to go the distance?

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