
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Mission Accomplished! 365 Days to Find Love Goes Live!

In more ways than one…

photograph courtesy of Genevieve PM Roy

After weeks of planning the design and characteristics of the blog site and psyching myself up for the big day the time finally arrived to let 365 Days to find Love.com go live.

Just how did this event producer launch her latest new project? With a grand soirée, of course!
Let me set the stage for you...

A trendy New York style venue, Gallery 203, nestled away in the old port of Montreal was the perfect location to welcome my150 guests for a 5-à huitres!

Fifty shades of red was the inspiration for the evening, in keeping with St. Valentine’s Day, and the romantic idea of finding true love!

I had no real expectations of what the night would bring.  I do know, based on the fact that amazing people and companies were all out in full force to support me, that I felt loved and fearless.

The music was perfection with DJ Ruben setting the tone right from the beginning of the night. Rita the songstress and her melodic voice transcended us all to the streets of Paris, and romance was definitely in the air!

Buonanotte had created the perfect menu, which of course included oysters and all the aphrodisiac food one would want on such a night. Brahm Mauer bar service created the love potion cocktails to compliment the gastronomic delicacies.

The room came alive as it filled up with fabulous  people all there with one thing in common... a desire to celebrate LOVE, and that we all did!  The laughter was contagious and I noticed that people who had never met were quickly becoming familiar with each other. The Connector in me was smiling away as I watched the crowd become one cohesive group, laughing, chatting, and dancing – having a great time!

Fellow blogger Lisa Kisber of LKISStyle

The clock struck 7pm.  The time had come for the site to go officially “LIVE!”

I took a deep breath, clutched onto the hand of Susan Hutt, my friend and partner in Female Fundamentals, took off my shoes and stood up on a gorgeous leather chair, and made the introductions to my new website - 365daystofindlove.com

My throne for the night….Cinderella lost her shoes!   (photograph courtesy of Heidi Hollinger)

It felt great that it was not scary as I had anticipated.   All the faces in the crowd before me were my friends, all of them wanting me to succeed on this journey.

It was incredible night – but now for the icing on the cake! (I’m not referring to the special cake designed for the evening!)  There was a special treat this evening just for me!

The cherry on the top of that perfect evening came in the form of a thank you! . Three people who were enjoying the evening expressed a desire to try and start looking for ways to meet people again and re-enter the dating world.  They were planning on following my lead. They realize, like I have, that to meet someone special, they 'll need to step out into the universe.

That little voice inside me is yelling....”Mission accomplished, now let's go mend another lonely heart.”

I won't meet anyone sitting at home and neither will anyone else. I talked and danced with old and new friends last night and will do so again and hopefully someday soon with Mr. Right. For now my BFFs will do!

What have you done today to try and change your routine? Tell us about it.




Submitted by Jeff Hart on

A standout event, as usual. Best of luck for the site. Lucky for me I have the love of my life.

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