
#365 Love is not about being single, it is about being social

Everyone looks for love, no matter what their age.  

Watch live streaming video from ideacity at livestream.com

While checking out the Zoomer Singles website I happened to come across this video from Ideacity. Jane Juska talks about the intriguing way she researched her first book, My Late life Adventures in Sex and Romance. She put out a personal ad and embarked on a journey to have the most sex she could with men she liked, before she turned 67 years old.  I think she could teach us all a little something about life.  

That you're never too old to pursue your dreams.

Do you have dreams? 




My journey to find love takes me to Toronto...

Cook and Date takes the pressure out of meeting someone for the first time.



Never did I think a man could “push my buttons” but Tony found a way! This brings new meaning to relinquishing the “remote” control!


